詩人フェルディナント・フライリヒラートの詩「O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!(おお、愛しうる限り愛せ)」の詩が用いられているそうです。
I visited Liszt’s house in Weimar, Germany, during my Zen training period, with Oi Saidan.Roshi. At that time, “Liebestr?ume, a dream of love” was flowing in the room.
This beautiful song is based on the poem “O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!” by the poet Ferdinand Freilichrat.
For us to love as much as we can with overflowing love, we must leave our ego and throw our whole body and soul into the Cosmic life as it is. It is a fountain of endless light and endless love. It is probably the most beautiful dream for us to love all living things with that overflowing love.